07 November 2008

Holy moly batman...!

wow. It is 8 of the evening, and I am MORE than ready for bed tonight! On a whim, I went by my other mothers ~ turns out it was more than fortuitous.

She has been having dizzy/lightheaded problems yet again, (long story) and I MADE her go to the doctor ~ so we spent the after noon visiting the doctor, eating lunch, and doing her errands.

I think that we have it down that she is not eating correctly again ~ and the food she has is not a complete meal, she has to heat/microwave/back/scorch more than one time, which she is generally to tired to do ~ so she just eats a bowl of soup (mostly broth) or a roll of biscuits, or some other stupid thing. Makes for a bad thing for her ~

Now, she has some telly type dinners, and they aren't to high in sodium, and complete meals ~ one serving of at least a vegetable, and protein on the thing. I've got her some of the microwaveable veggies from Birdseye, and so she can add those for variety ~

I do not know that I care for her physician ~ but at least she had some blood drawn to be sure her potassium isn't all messed up again.

I have no thoughts to add for myself tonight, the day wore me out.


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