15 February 2009


It was clear when I woke up this morning, since then it has begun to snow. There is enough to cover all the bare spots already. I hope that we have a foot before the day is over... :)

I am having one of those mornings where I seriously regret giving up coffee. Granted, it was not really because I know that it is bad for me, but I still had to make the choice, right?


I do not need it to wake up, I just want it to wake up, and read the paper, and sit and watch the snow land on the skylight...


Tea does the same things physically, but oh how I miss the taste of coffee!

Been to feed the horses, and now am going to go through our local weekend paper ~ it is terribly small, as advertising has taken a serious nosedive... I dunno about anyone else, but I'd rather read the printed paper than read it online ~ I'd still have the NYTimes delivered if I had the money!! For now though, I suffer on the weekends with the local, and read the others I like at the public library.

Oddly enough, I have begun to feel as though we are going backward in time these days ~ back to having to depend on the library/public house type things to get our news because home delivery is a luxury that people feel they can do without. The next thing to go for me will be the telly ~ though I shall miss the music channels greatly.

Guess I will start buying CD's again, eh?

And the radio... I'll get my news on the radio again, instead of in moving pictures ~ When one watches news on the telly, one has to watch the pictures to gather the correct information, as the person that is talking seldom says anything worth while...

While it is a bit scary to think I won't have pictures to back up what is said, it may just come to that for me.

yeah, I'll keep my internet for now, but it too may run the way of the newspaper, and only be accessed through the public library...

Come on Viggo, lets go read the paper and enjoy it we still have it available ~ I'll make a fresh pot of tea to go with.


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