31 July 2009


it is five thirty in the morning, and I am already up and out of bed…my brain turned on this morning when I woke up to a cat sniffing my face ~ I didn’t make the same mistake as last time though. I didn’t bother to find out who it was, I just…


I dunno about my cats. The Little One has been very good for the Old One…but still. SOME dignity should remain when you are nearly 9 years old, right?

Old Cat is lying on her back on my bed, (which is off to the right as I face my computer here) Belly up, and her head is tipped back so she is looking at me. Totally relaxed, her middle age spread is… well… spread out all over the place.

I wonder how I look to her ~ what I look like upside down? She is just staring steadily at me, blinking once in a while…

Most likely doing the “If I squint my eyes just so, the human looks like she is going to get up and feed me…”

Her comfort won’t last, because Little Cat is beginning to wind up. When I pushed my quilt back this morning, it formed this cavern ~ a dark spot in the middle of the bed.

Little One is currently diving (literally) in and out of it.

First cars on the road this morning, interrupting my peace…I feel resentful about it ~ I suppose that the rest of the world did not get my memo about staying home for the day.


I’m not sure what I am feeling today, I do not know what woke me up ~ I feel as though … eyah.

Whatever is going on here is eluding me ~ guess it is time to crawl back in bed for a bit of a cat nap to see if that helps, eh?


yeah, that is a good idea.

Scootch over viggo, I’m coming to bed…for now.

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