26 November 2008

I keep animals because...???

It is cold, but absolutely gorgeous out this morning. Good thing, or I might be in a grumpy mood.

For some odd reason, I have been getting waking up at six every morning for the past two weeks or so. Like, just spontaneously going **POOF** and there I am. Ponit of fact, I'm so awake, that most mornings I have crawled out of bed before the animals are up.

Not so this morning. I took something last night to "help" me sleep (I did sleep, but had nightmares... yuk) and so this morning, my body missed the six a.m wake up.

The dog and cats? They do not have such problems. But I lay there, in a half awake state, dreaming...

I'm laying in my nice cozy bed, and the world is all about me, a fuzzy, though indistinct loveliness. I've a servant to bring the java, hot and tasty, along with my toast and fruit...

The servant, with his (yes, his) gentle servant attitude, taps me gently on the shoulder, saying,

"Mums, it is time to get up" (wait, MUMS??)

I snooze on...brain fog still intact.

Another tap.

"Mums?" (what is WITH this MUMS thing??)

Apparently out of patience, my lovely servant goes;

**BAM!** and delivers full slap, right across my nose.

I open my eyes, brain fog totally gone, to find that on one side, Baby Cat is sitting on my pillow ~ her paw in the air, as though preparing another swing at my nose. On the other side is Old Cat, her paws tucked neatly under her bosoms ~ only to keep her innocence in this whole thing intact.

They look at one another, and satisfied that I am awake, stick their tails in the air and walk over to sit patiently by their food dishes.

Old Dog, taking the cue from the cats, (my bed is on the floor) comes over and wags her body, breathing in my face and farting the whole time...


I have animals because... ????

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