05 March 2009


yeah, I mean to speel it that way... when the girls were younger, they all said "Turdsday" ~ for some reason, none of them could say the "th" sound until they were almost in Kindergarten...

yes, I have known for a very long time that my children are a bit odd.

Normal is soooo... boring.

though I could stand some normal right now. No angst, no PMS, no stress... I just want it to all go away, ya know?


Even in the midst of all the crap funny things do happen around here. The animals that I cohabit with are some of the oddest I have ever known.

Take Little Cat ~ she is a kitty with an attitude, and rocks where her mind should be... (but that is soooo another story)

Every Wednesday here at my house we change out the litter in the kitty boxes (three of the covered kind staged throughout the house) ~ scoop all week, adding as we go and Wednesday is trash day, so then it is out with the whole works.

Little Cat has this weird habit of wanting to be the first to be in the new sand, though she doesn't always actually use the stuff that first time ... she just likes to fluff about in it, and goes bananas inside the containers, emerging all happy that she got to sift sands of "lavatery land". (like I say, she's a weirdo)

As usual last week, she was the first one in ~ she hopped in the door before the thing had even been slid back under the table where it resides. Not a big deal, so T2k goes ahead and pushes the thing under ~ this whole time the cat never stops doing her little spaz attack inside...

Once it is in place (the cat still inside) T2 looks over her shoulder at me and deadpans ~


Took me a minute, and after a long week with a ton of stress, I broke down and laughed ~ I laughed until I cried.

Felt pretty good.


Come on viggo, lets get back to the storage... At the rate we are going, we'll still be sorting when we are 75 years old ~


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