10 April 2009

something funny...

Old Dog and both kitties have something in common ~ (other than myself) ~ they are all very much creatures of habit. I do feel badly for them sometimes...

Things around here used to happen on a schedule, with small variances due to the things in the schedules before them ~ I always managed to keep the time variations to less than an hour though, and being the person I am, I was seldom early.

Lately though, as I go through this bout of the crapola, my time clock is completely out of whack ~ and the feeding/care schedules have fluctuated a bit... occasionally pretty widely.

While I can tell that they are not happy with me, they pretty much just suffer in silence...

Until the mutiny this morning.

I didn't get to sleep until around one this morning, naturally my body didn't wake up at the perquisite hour of 7 a.m.

Happily, I snoozed on after shutting off the manual alarm clock...

At some point, Little Cat decided that it was time I wake up and she began snuffling in my ears. I'd push her away, she'd switch ears...

Then Old Cat joined in. She is older and wiser than Little Cat, and knows that if she wants me to get up, she just has to sit on my bladder...

Somewhere in there, I decide that I am NOT going to lose this battle this morning. That little thought, sticking somewhere in my foggy brain caused me to think that I could just toss the cats off, and after a bit they would give up and leave me alone...

**sigh** after tossing the cats aside (to no avail) I am about to concede defeat... though some part of my pre coffee brain waves says to NOT give in...

yes, I considered burrowing in, and staying for the long haul...

Then, the big guns hit...

Old Dog, and the visiting Young Dog got on the bed too. Both reeking of horse manure and doggie breath from their early morning (GRANDMA) sojourn out in the neighbors horse pasture...

At that point, there was nothing to do but to admit defeat.


Come on viggo ~ if I have to be up, so do you.


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