18 May 2009

Monday morning sigh fest...

I am sooooo tired this morning... I am happy that my mom is still asleep, I am not to good with her idiosyncrasies when I get like this. I sincerely am worried about her ~ but I know that I can not do anything to help ~ and that STINKS.


Shees. I can't stop with the yawning.

I've recracked a rib, just by using the muscles that are attached to it. Made for bad sleep, and that could just be why I am yawning so very much, eh??

**sigh** I get so sick of being sick, especially with something that is manageble, IF one has decent health care...which I don't, so... eyah. :p

Subject change!!!

The dude across the road is a builder ~ he has one of those huge trailers that holds all his things. Currently he is trying to back up to hitch it up to his truck, unaided by another human being. Means a lot of back and forth, re-aiming the truck... and all the while the back up beeper thing is going...

Now I KNOW I am tired, weird little things are irritating me.

Speaking of irritating, I have to call the hinterlands today. Yesterday was taken up by drama over school, and things not wanted to be done and sisters and ... yeah. Teenagers stuff.


Today is going to be spent picking up the left overs from the yard sale, putting them in the truck and driving it all off to the city for the thrift store to put to good use. I will be happy to have it all out of my hair ~ though the thought that there is more waiting in the wings makes me even more tired than I really am...

Ah well, I mades my choices, now I pays the piper, ya know?

I want to get more things in the veggie garden today, it is finally warm enough ~ I am happy when I am digging in the dirt, so I really need to make the effort to dig some dirt every day. I long for my own yard and garden...desperately.

**sigh** Got to shut that thought down, or I will make myself insane.

Little Kitty has a new trick, she now sits on my shoulder while I work at the computer ~ she learned that all on her own. Currently she is washing her face, and every once in awhile she will give my ear a lick or two. Her tongue is so rough that it tickles and hurts at the same time...she is a weird little thing.

<--Little Kitty (and t2k)

Have to fly spray the horses today, and pick up a bit of manure too ~ and then figure out what to do with Bubba while the (apparent) jerk of a grandson is here next week. I went to school with him, but can not recall what kind of kid he was, I've only the aunt and cousins thoughts to go on. He does sound kind of ... well... unfriendly and dictatorish, but hey... guess I'll find out soon enough what is going on, eh?


I better get out of this chair before I fall asleep.

Come on viggo, it is obvious that we need another pot of coffee...


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