18 June 2009

day of rest

I seem to be getting a lot done these days, I am sleeping better at night too. I find it hard to keep going through the afternoons, but so far, I have slogged on through them.

Dealing with both girls being here is ... interesting. While they are both a bit more mature, every once in awhile there is a slip up and things go awry...

**sigh** to be expected I suppose.

so, today ~ I had myself a day of rest. I did accomplish things, like... two different cover letters, and a "Functional" resume... (more later on this) but I think I really really needed to be still ~

That, and the car had to go back to the city for a First Aid/CPR class. Gas is at 3 bucks a gallon here now, so I have curtailed my driving. I go to the barn, and that is pretty much it unless I have a job interview.

Speaking of which, I must get myself to the city, as I have (as I said) a cover letter for two potential employers.

I find it sad in that I do not really want to work for anyone else, I want to work for ME. I want to get myself in a place where I can do what I love, and make some pennies at it... enough for hay, vet, and some left over to pay the rents.

**sigh** BUT! I also have to get to a place where I CAN work for pennies. I've horses to pay off, and I know that I will never see a single copper cent in money for the storage unit I've kept for the extra stuff... so...

eyah. Off to get a job. I've laundry to finish too, my good jeans are in the machine ~ I have to buy laundry soap...

no, I don't think I will. One of the blogs I read regularly (HI Suzanne!) gave me a good idea ~ I am going to try to make my own laundry soap.

I have everything here to do it already ~ it is made from stuff I already use daily, so why buy?

**shrug** guess I am just slow that way, eh?

So... viggo? we've got to get it in gear. I've things to drop off, showers to take, babies to see... yes, we've a new gran babie!!!

now, don't get excited... he was born in the middle of a field up in the hinterlands...means, I've no human grandbabies yet.

no name , and this is when he was just hours old.

off to the day now...


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