23 July 2009

So many things, and nothing to write about...

Or maybe a more appropriate thing would be to say that I haven’t the gumption to write…

And I truly do not. To many things, to much stuff, to hard to put to words… I live by my emotions these days it seems, and they have me frazzled to the very core of my person.

Lets see….


ooops. Gasket blew… guess I had better just set it all down to words instead of thinking.

I’m working hard for the theater, I do not like the job any longer though. It has become a ghastly chore that I must do to earn the pittance they pay me.

That said, I still do my best, and try to keep out of the politics and alll the crap that goes on. Honestly, I thought I could handle it, but last evening I could tell I was slipping ~ the control is slipping away, and I am concerned that I will blow up at the next whiner that comes along…

I still have my horse, I can not bear to part with him. Every once in awhile, one connects on the most basic level with something, and it becomes a vital part of who you are… such it is with Budman. I will sell the car if I have to, and live in the barn with him if I must…

I still can’t find a real job, and I have come to the point where I do not look any longer. I do not want to live here, in my moms place any more… I can not handle it. I MUST LEAVE to stay sane…

I have applied to a few schools, two of them came back positive ~ IF I can only get some money to go now. They are both away from here, and… yeah. I do not hope for either right now, I do not want to be disappointed when I can’t get it together.

Have returned, after nearly 9 years, to the childrens book. Someone had “Clyde” sitting about, and wants to see more of it…

Again, I can not bring myself to hope.


The girls are in the Hinterlands, I told them to come straight home…and did they? No. They went out of their way to visit t1k and her hubby, and probably t3k’s boyfriend…they must stop in Wenatchee to help their other Grandma with an A/C unit ~ if they forget, I will come unglued on their little stupid backsides…


EVERY time I’ve tried to nap today, someone has called, or knocked on my door or…

dammit. Gonna be a very long night.

If the people I was watching were at all good, it would be so bad, but… BUT!!!

yeah. Amateur theater. **sigh**

off to the funny farm.

**poke** Come on viggo, lets go see Bubba.


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