25 October 2008

Last Weeklies

I have discovered something, perhaps an… oddity of sorts.

Yes, in the hustle and bustle of my life ~ while taking care of dogs, cats, guinea pigs, gerbils, children, cars, mail, food, laundry, self, and viggo ~ I discovered that the list of “things” I wanted to accomplish is HUGE.

Like I wanted:

To finish a painting that I began eons ago (at least a month) and never got back to.
To finish a quilt top that my grandmother started when I was a baby.
To put up the last of the tomatoes from the garden before I lost them to the first killing frost.
To divide the herb plants so my sister has some for her kitchen window for the winter.
To rake the leaves as they fell instead of trying to move three trees worth of compost.
To get Budman his bath before it got to cold to do so.
To remember to order flowers for my other mothers birthday.
To put a second coat of paint on the shed before it got cold.
To move the rose bushes.
To put away the lawn furniture before it got cold.
To sort and categorize the girls things from kindergarten through now…so they would not have to do it when they are my age.
To sell off or (better yet) give away all the crap I do not need any longer, freeing up storage space and my life…

There is a lot more to the list, but you kind of get the idea, right?

Welcome to my “last weeklies” ~ everything I wanted to get done “last week”

The list is long, varied and I have no earthly idea why I would even HAVE such a list.

I think it is most likely because I let life get in the way of what I was doing, or wanted to do at any given moment in time ~ though in my own defense, there were times when it could not be helped, and other times, it was just a stupid choice.

I kind of think I need to change this… and I can see two ways to go about it.

1) I can be sure and not take on more until I have caught up, finishing what I start before I move on to the next thing …

2) I can choose to ignore everything, box it allll up and let my girls deal with it all, whenever THEY get around to doing something with it…


Come on viggo, we have leaves to rake ~ tell you what! If you help me, I’ll let you jump in the pile first…


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