13 October 2008


But not until about 2 in the morning. I am slowly dealing with the fact that there isn't anyone here save myself, and that is okay.

"okie day" **sigh**

Still, it makes me sad at times. So much change in so little time is hard to do. It is also very odd to have more time than I did, but never have enough time to finish what it is I am doing... Like everything goes a bit unfinished at the end of the day or something.

Its' like...I can get up, get myself moving, and then I get lost ~ I have not a clue in the world what time it is, then quite suddenly I find that the sun is setting and I am tired, ready for my bed ~ done with the day without ever knowing the day was running on.

It feels off putting in a way, like I am no longer master of my life. Oddly enough, that is not true ~ I am actually in charge of my own life for the first time in 26 years...June of 1983 was the last time I can recall not having to think of someone else first.

Guess it just is not important sometimes to be attached to a clock, to a schedule, or someone elses schedule.

It is taking some getting used to.

Cloudy today, with sunshine when the clouds let it through. I've all the laundry finished ~ the cat is sleeping in the middle of it on the love seat downstairs. I've baked myself brownies, made different things for Breakfast and Lunch, and now am considering what to have for dinner (supper?).

Maybe pizza and a beer...


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