16 October 2008


I am moving so very slow today. Fed Bud at 8:30, and now am listening to the program my daughter produces on the radio...

:) I am so happy for her, I could bust. Today they are raising money for Breast Cancer Research ~ most of it will go to a local hospital to fund mammograms for women that can not afford them.

Susan B Komen web site is a wonderful resource for anyone that needs it by the way. I've worn their pink bracelets for years, and have an ORIGINAL one to this day.

Did you know that more women die each year in the US from breast cancer than AIDS and car accidents combined?

so says the radio. :)

Got through the night with Hurricane Omar, it passed south and east of the island where my brother and sis in law were stranded ~ once the buoys read a steady 9 knots for the winds for about an hour, I sent my last email to them and went to bed.

I was the "tracking" system for the days ~ I like to flatter myself and say I kept them safe... ;)

I've not HAD to get up every two hours for a long time.

I'm not sure why it feels any different than it does to have insomnia and get up every two hours (?) but in my mind, it is not the same. Minds are weird things, aren't they??


So, this morning, I am running necessarily late. Bud is waiting to go out to run, I have to go back to the city because I was in a hurry yesterday and left things at home...

I do not know where my mind is these days. I have come down to the thought that somewhere, I am still thinking that I have time, but I do not do things before hand like I used to ~ i.e. get stuff ready so I can work on a different something that has to be done right up to the time I am ready to go out the door. (yeah, it IS a terrible sentence ~ read it again, it will make sense)

In the time of the "before" I would have all the stuff ready to go that I have to have ready to go... now? I don't get the stuff ready, but still think I can work up to the very moment I have to leave to go DO that stuff. AS the stuff is not ready, I have to get the stuff ready, making me late, so it doesn't all get done, and more oft than not it gets left undone, making me have to make two trips to do one thing.

Oh so very not good. I am irritating the HELL out of myself with this little quirk.


I got to get the stuff ready to go to the city with so that when I go to put the horse out, it will be ready to go with, and I can continue on to the city.

anyone still confused?


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