03 February 2009

hump day minus one

Guess I was just wishing that the week was mostly over.

Had a good yell at my mom, I don't know that it did any good. She always seems to find her way to the kitchen whenever I am trying to make myself anything to eat... and this morning, it pissed me off ~ when I asked her to wait with what she was doing she said,

"it's the last pot, I just want to wash it up..."

I blew.

To make a long explanation short, what I actually heard?

"you are not important enough for me to listen too, nor take heed of, nor even worry that you might NEED something of and/or from me... bite my ass, I am first!"

yep. that is it right there. Susy has no needs, susy can wait, susy has to do what she needs to do ONLY after everyone else is done...

Been that way my whole life. The only time I came first is if I were to sick to ignore any longer.

Now? I'm sick, and I still get ignored, but somehow, that doesn't really bother me, for she doesn't remember what I have said to her anyways, and I get so damned frustrated by having to RE-explain everything all the time...

her excuse? She is just not paying attention... um... DUH. I KNOW that.


so... I am trying to stay out of her way, and go about what I need to do.

I've only 23 days left on my agreement with my dad ~ I've a lot to get finished up before then.

Come on viggo, we've stuff to do... NAH!!! lets go snuggle on the bed instead. May not accomplish anything, but it sure would make me feel better.


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