02 March 2009

Holy Doodles it's MARCH

For as many years as I have been alive, the first of March always seems to catch my unawares... odd that. I must have this block about the fact that FebRUary operates with fewer days than the rest of the months.

So, this month is a long and nasty one here in the PNW. It all begins with some idiot decided to put Daylight savings time a month earlier than it was before...

I seriously dislike the flip to daylight savings, it really fouls up my internal body clock. It takes an already impossible situation and makes it into a nearly intolerably situation...

**sigh** in other words, I can barely get up on time these days, let alone being able to crank my backside out of bed an hour EARLIER.

thanks Ben and company ~ me and the cows in Indiana will just stay on regular time, thank you very much!



I am hoping that March adds good things to my life ~ like a decent job, the sale of my excess things so that I can pay my mom back, and a place to go that I will be happier, and get my health back... if I ever can. At the rate I am going, I am beginning to become concerned ~ I feel worse every day. Weird how I get used to it, then only think about going back to the doctors that I can't pay to see if they can do anything else...

**shrug** my girls don't need me, they have one another, so I do not think that to many people would miss me ... at all. So, if I give up and go under, no one will be hurt, eh?

I'm serious. No one wants me. sucks, but hey, I'll learn to live with it someday.


off to sort and get rid of things.


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