03 May 2009


A very long weekend.

Friday, t2k was supposed to drive herself down in t1k's Tundra ~ she hit a dog, and the sand on the road was so soft that it did not kill the dog, but the truck lost traction on the front end... and she went up the sand bank...

turned the truck on the drivers side... it looked worse than it was. BUT!!! the dog caused the wreck, it should not go against her on her license here...

SO! I drove up and got her, so she could go to the prom. (yay me)

She still has not said Thank you for my six hour trip... and feeding her, helping her with her hair, driving her about until she was ready to drive herself...

**sigh** and yes, sadly this is a normal thing, to not even get a thanks... :p

had a disagreement with t1k this morning... I'm tired of always being wrong... or as she says... never right... I can't even disagree with her about something ~ we can't have a difference of opinion, I am just flat out WRONG and that is IT.

SO... I was going to get her to a dentist appointment tomorrow morning, but I got pissy with her, and told her to find her own ride to the damn thing. More than likely, she will make t3k take her to the appointment, making t3 late for school, because what t1 needs is WAY more important that anything else anyone else might need...

She better not take it out on t2 either... I am SOOOO gonna get on t1 if she does.

and I've only three weeks to make space for t3 to come back.... I am DREADING this with all my heart.


life sucks sometimes.

been a long weekend, and tomorrow I drive t2 back to the northlands. I am sooo tired of driving, doing things for everyone and anybody, and not having time for what I need to do...

okay, enough whining.

Come on viggo, we're late for bed.


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