16 May 2009

Nearly a week later...

Oh my stars, I am HAPPY that this week is finally over. I am tired of trying to put prices on things I do not need, or do not want, (or haven't any idea where they came from..) and then trying to figure out how to prepare for the onslaught of humans ~

**sigh** but I have made it, and from much came a bit, and I have very little left to take to the thrifty folks at the Good Will store in the city.

Made enough to pay next months storage ~ where the rest of the stuff awaits my time/patience to figure out what to do with it all.

Moral of the story is... DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.

Take the time to sort, store and get rid of things as you go through your life ~ it will be SO much easier for you!!!

I've spent to many days away from the kitties, they are both draped about my person, making it very hard to type. Old Dog is eating her dinner, that always takes precedence over mom... ;) Labradors!!!

I am so very ready for the bedtime hour...no one is here but me an my kitties, so I may just hit the hay early. I've not read any blogs, or emails, or... I can not imaging how many spam mails I must have...

Lookin' forward to church tomorrow...I'm glad there are two services. I so am NOT going to make the early one!

so...one more thing off the list. I have three months until the next anticipated sale...I know how to do it now, should be a piece of cake.

:) Come on viggo, I'm going to bed.

Turn out the lights for me, okay?


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